
12 Experts Reveal Their Odoo Secrets: Unmissable Insights


By : Biztech

12 Experts Reveal Their Odoo Secrets: Unmissable Insights1


Picture this: you’re running your enterprise like a well-oiled machine. Everything works in perfect harmony—Finance, HR, Inventory, Purchase, and Sales – all dancing together in a synchronized rhythm.

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, thanks to modern ERP systems, this dream is easily attainable. ERP systems like Odoo give enterprises flexibility and customization capabilities that are the core pillars of today’s business setup.

If this is your first time with Odoo, let us tell you in brief about the ERP system. Odoo was launched in 2005 as TinyERP, which was changed to OpenERP after 3 years, inclusive of many capabilities right from CRM, eCommerce, and accounting to manufacturing, inventory, and project management.

Today, it is available in Community as well as Enterprise editions so that businesses of all sizes, scales, and industries can put it to use.

In fact, Odoo is one of the most flexible ERP systems out there, releasing a new major update every year. Odoo focuses on the need for personalization and unparalleled efficiency.

Thus, scaling up and beyond with Odoo means being on your toes and preparing yourselves to adapt to evolving market trends. These trends can be integration of modern-day technologies like IoT, AI/ML, Blockchain, mobile-centric approach, or internationalization or localization.


In any case, Odoo is here to stay as it keeps innovating its services as per evolving industry demand. What’s more interesting is, you can leverage of quality Odoo development services and make the most out of this already influential ERP system. 

Ready to embark on an unmissable ride with Odoo enthusiasts? Then, let’s take you on a journey to explore some great Odoo stories and future trends; hear it right from the influencers!


P.S.: We created a questionnaire for them to answer. You will love their unique perspectives!

Expert 1: Victor Peris

 Victor Peris

Why do businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

Businesses choose Odoo over other ERP solutions because of its comprehensive, integrated suite of applications that cover all business needs; Right from CRM and e-commerce to manufacturing and inventory. It might not be the best in any individual application, but it is the best integrating all-under-one software.

Odoo’s modular structure allows businesses to start with a few applications and add more as their needs grow, making it highly scalable. Furthermore, Odoo’s user-friendly interface and open-source model make it a popular choice. It aligns with Indaws’ paradigm of using existing technologies and combining them effectively, rather than reinventing the wheel.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

In the Odoo 17 upgrade, I’d like to see further improvements in user experience and interface design, that will make it even more intuitive and easy-to-use. Enhanced AI capabilities for better data analysis and decision-making would also be beneficial.

Additionally, more integrations with popular third-party platforms could be advantageous for many businesses. Improving the mobile app and making it native, would be also amazing! These suggestions align with Indaws’ principle of continuous improvement and growth. Besides, we love that Odoo releases a new version every year.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

To make the most of the Odoo ERP system, businesses should ensure they regularly update their software to benefit from the latest features and security enhancements. They should also invest in training their staff to ensure they can use the system effectively.

Regularly reviewing and optimizing business processes to align with the capabilities of the ERP system is also a good practice. Finally, it is very important to analyze your workflows and make sure you do not over-complicate things. If you can stick to the Odoo base, please do so. It will make your life a lot easier in the long run.
Know more about Victor.

Expert 2: Nils Van Oosten

 Nils Van Oosten

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

It’s future-proof & value for money. In many cases, the search for a solution can be a short-sighted decision – to solve the problem at hand. And the future potential of a solution is often not taken into the equation at the beginning.

I believe that the choice for Odoo is made because of the potential the solution has in the long run. The chances it gives to increase opportunities for the organizations’ growth. This is due to the diversity, flexibility and modern structure of Odoo: We solve today’s problems and avoid/ are ready for the problems of tomorrow.

However, I do believe that a challenge of Odoo is the perception people have of Odoo being “Cheap” and that something that is cheap, can’t be good. Once clients see what the product can do for the price it’s offered, they quickly notice that the system can do way more than some competitors for a much higher price and possibly not everything. This is why everyone at Odoo – and all of our partners – show a demonstration very early in the discussions with their prospects.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

I look forward to the new design, which is already deployed on 16.3 (available on SaaS). It gives a fresh appearance and looks great in dark mode! I do have some hopes/wishes per app, but this is not a projection that it will happen!

POS: The new restaurant features will be amazing! In combination with the option to pick up goods that are ordered from eCommerce, I think the POS app will take a big step forward.

Accounting: Localization is always a challenge to keep up to date. Personally, we’ve made a big step to integrate the Dutch TAX authorities and I hope for more localization improvements to help SMEs in local markets.

Services: I’m hoping for some improvements in the services area. Over the past years, we had several great improvements such as the Planning, Field services and even better Timesheet billing. Cleaning up the code and making all these improvements work even better together will be great.

Overall I’m very impressed with Odoo today, even if there is always an option for improvement I do think that Odoo focuses correctly on the overall performance, minor improvements with major impact. So even if the above won’t happen, I’m pretty sure that Odoo 17 will blow us away again!

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

Be very aware that Odoo is constantly evolving and you have to reserve time and money to find, evaluate and adopt new opportunities in the standard solution. Make this part of your routine! Have an internal Odoo-Champion that will invest time to know the standard solution OR simply choose the right partner to do that.

Odoo evolves fast (especially if you’re making use of our SaaS option). The true value lies in the usage of the standard features and to make use of them to grow your business. But this is not a side-activity, it’s a full time job. This is why our partners invest a lot of time in training and continuous services to their clients. As an Odoo user, I’d advise you to calculate this into your monthly or quarterly process / system review. I’m certain that the Return of Investment will be worth it!
Know more about Nils Van.

Expert 3: Cedric Vanderleenen

Cedric Vanderleenen

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

Businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others for several reasons. Its open-source nature and the flexibility are primary reasons. The software’s source code is freely available and can be modified and customized according to specific business needs. This provides businesses with greater flexibility and control over their ERP system compared to proprietary solutions.

Modularity and scalability: Odoo offers a modular structure that allows businesses to start with basic functionalities and gradually add more modules as their needs evolve. This scalability enables businesses to customize and expand their ERP system without significant disruptions or high costs.

Comprehensive feature set: Odoo provides a wide range of integrated applications and modules that cover various aspects of business operations, including accounting, sales, inventory management, manufacturing, human resources, and more. This comprehensive feature set reduces the need for integrating multiple disparate systems and enhances data consistency and accessibility across different departments.

User-friendly interface: Odoo is known for its user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easier for employees to adopt and navigate the system. The interface is designed to be visually appealing and customizable, allowing businesses to create personalized workflows and dashboards tailored to their specific requirements.

Community and ecosystem: Odoo has a large and active user community, as well as a vast ecosystem of developers and partners who contribute to its continuous improvement. This community-driven approach ensures regular updates, bug fixes, and the availability of a wide range of add-on modules and integrations to extend the functionality of the core system.

Mobile and cloud capabilities: Odoo provides mobile applications and supports cloud deployment options, allowing businesses to access and manage their ERP system from anywhere, anytime. This flexibility is particularly valuable for companies with remote or distributed teams and those looking for mobility and accessibility.

International and multilingual/multicurrency/multicompany & intercompany support: Odoo supports multiple languages, currencies, and companies, making it suitable for businesses operating globally. The platform offers localization features for various countries, facilitating compliance with regional regulations and accounting practices.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

There’s a lot! The new slick back-end theme, booking of resources (think about padel courts), sales catalog, a rework on the subscription model, and more functionalities for the knowledge app. Every yearly upgrade is always so extensive that there is a lot to look forward to. Join us for the new release of V17 at Odoo Experience ( Odoo Experience 2023 – Discover the Future of Business ).

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

Here are some best practices that I like to follow and should come handy for you as well.

Regularly update to the latest version: Keep your Odoo installation up to date with the latest version. Updates often include bug fixes, security patches, and new features that can improve system performance, stability, and functionality. Staying current ensures you can take advantage of the latest enhancements and improvements.

Utilize Odoo apps and modules: Explore the wide range of available apps and modules in the Odoo App Store to extend the functionality of your ERP system. Assess your specific business needs and leverage these apps to enhance different aspects of your operations, such as accounting, inventory management, CRM, HR, and more.

Train and educate your users: Provide adequate training and education to your employees to ensure they have a good understanding of how to use Odoo effectively. Conduct training sessions, create user guides or documentation, and encourage ongoing learning through internal resources or Odoo’s official training materials. Well-trained users can maximize the benefits of Odoo and ensure consistent and accurate data entry.

Engage Odoo implementation partners or consultants: If needed, consider engaging Odoo implementation partners or consultants who have expertise in Odoo customization, configuration, and integration. They can assist with initial setup, migration, system optimization, and provide guidance based on their experience working with other businesses.
Know more about Cedric.

Expert 4: Ishfaq Ahmed

 Ishfaq Ahmed

Why do businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

Firstly, Odoo offers a comprehensive suite of integrated applications, covering various business processes such as sales, CRM, inventory management, accounting, manufacturing, and more. This all-in-one approach eliminates the need for multiple disparate systems, leading to better efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Secondly, Odoo is open source, which means it offers flexibility for customization and adaptation to specific business needs.

The modular nature of Odoo allows businesses to start with basic functionality and gradually expand as their requirements evolve. Furthermore, Odoo has a strong and active community of developers, users, and partners who contribute to its continuous improvement and offer a wide range of add-on modules and integrations. This thriving ecosystem provides businesses with access to extensive resources and support.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

As for the features I would like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade, there are several areas where enhancements would be beneficial. Firstly, improving the user experience by refining the interface, streamlining navigation, and enhancing overall usability would be valuable.

Additionally, further advancements in reporting and analytics capabilities would enable users to gain deeper insights into their business data and make informed decisions. Integration with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning could also provide exciting possibilities for automation and predictive analytics.

Moreover, enhancing the performance and scalability of Odoo to accommodate large enterprise deployments would be advantageous. Strengthening security measures and ensuring compliance with evolving data protection regulations would be crucial as well.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

To stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system, businesses should consider the following best practices:

First, regularly upgrade to the latest stable version of Odoo to access new features, improvements, and security patches. Keeping the system up-to-date ensures that businesses can leverage the latest enhancements and fixes.

Second, engage with the Odoo community by participating in forums, attending user groups or conferences, and following official Odoo channels. This fosters knowledge sharing, networking, and the discovery of new possibilities within the Odoo ecosystem.

Third, invest in proper training and education for employees to ensure they have a strong understanding of Odoo’s capabilities and can utilize the system effectively. This includes training on specific modules relevant to their roles and responsibilities.

Lastly, regularly evaluate and optimize business processes to align with Odoo’s best practices and take advantage of its automation and standardization features. Conducting periodic reviews and process improvement initiatives can help businesses maximize their return on investment with Odoo.

Know more about Ishfaq.

Expert 5: Jakub Smolka

Jakub Smolka

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

It is a simple equation – cost/performance ratio. Be it Odoo Community or Odoo Enterprise, for the scope of functionalities that Odoo offers, the cost is almost negligible; especially with Enterprise’s Odoo Online offer. And while Odoo still cannot fully compete with some dedicated solutions (website, manufacturing, etc.), in terms of price and functionality, I know of no better management system for the whole company.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

We are currently negotiating with Odoo to improve Czech and Slovak accounting localization to v17 – which hopefully will be successful to a certain degree. And I have a big backlog of functional and performance issues and improvements from my discussion with Odoo support, that I would like to see being implemented. But, probably won’t be.

Having said that, the features Odoo already published that will be in v17, QR menu in PoS, capacity planning for appointments, and others, are simply brilliant.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

That’s a hard question; Since the main Odoo “News” channel is Twitter and Linkedin of Fabien and Ray :D. So it is tough to find an “all-in-one” channel for news and tips and tricks. But if you are willing to invest the time, then definitely the LinkedIn community is the right place to discover and follow. And I, personally, also like to open master branches on runbot or check code commits every once in a while. That gives a great insight into what was fixed and improved.

Know more about Jakub.

Expert 6: Alexander Zehnter

Alexander Zehnter

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

  • Value for Money, you get a whole software suite which can cover most of your business processes for a quarter of competitors’ prices.
  • Seamless integration between apps. As a business you can decide to go with various different software solutions and try to connect them to each other with tools like Zapier and pay much more + have the stress of maintaining the interfaces between the software solutions or you can decide to go with Odoo and pay less and have no stress with interfaces.
  • Open Source. You can customize the software to your needs and can also decide who should do it. You are not tied to specific service providers. It’s a free market.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

  • Cashflow Forecast Feature would be really nice
  • P&L Month over Month view from left to right
  • Stock Valuation Report per Location per specific date

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

  • Follow Odoo Creators in LinkedIn.
  • Attend the Odoo Experience Conference in Belgium
  • Listen to the Odoo Planet Podcast

Know more about Alexander.

Expert 7: Gaspard Dessy

Gaspard Dessy

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

People choose Odoo because of

a) the price, and

b) the flexibility and ease of customization. Odoo also has other strengths that are often overlooked:

c) users love it and it’s easy to learn,

d) it’s fully integrated,

e) it has the most needed features by businesses,

f) the technical framework is a very good foundation

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

I would really love them to add some amazing new features to Odoo accounting module. Especially the missing localizations and features needed for midmarket such as better consolidation, financial planning and advanced cash management.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

Well, it depends on the size of the business! Generally, you should start with learning Odoo functionalities VERY well. If any “client” would do that, they’ll get a better solution for a lower cost. In terms of implementation, try to implement Odoo standard solution first. Once you’re comfortable working with Odoo, transform your business model or processes first. For example, sell online, use customer portal, create automation itself services, etc. Next, use the data to make smarter decisions.

Know more about Gaspard.

Expert 8: William McMahon

William Mcmahon

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

I think businesses choose Odoo as their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution due to its exceptional flexibility and customization options. Odoo provides a modular structure that allows businesses to adapt the system to their unique requirements.

With a vast array of modules available, companies can select and integrate the ones that align with their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that the ERP system can effectively support and streamline various business processes, from accounting and inventory management to sales and human resources.

Another key advantage of Odoo is its extensive range of integrated applications. It offers a comprehensive suite of applications covering various business functions, including CRM, project management, e-commerce, manufacturing, and more. Having these applications seamlessly integrated within a single platform simplifies data management, improves collaboration, and eliminates the need for multiple standalone systems.

Overall, businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution due to its flexibility, customization options, user-friendly interface, open-source nature, extensive application suite, and the vibrant community and marketplace that support it. These factors combined make Odoo a compelling choice for businesses seeking a robust and adaptable ERP solution.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

I would like to see a push towards AI. The integration of AI technologies within Odoo can bring significant benefits, such as intelligent automation, predictive analytics, and natural language processing. AI-powered features like chatbots, automated data entry, and smart suggestions can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance user productivity.

Odoo already offers a robust set of applications for integration, but it would be beneficial to see an even wider range of integration options. Expanding the selection of applications available for integration would further enhance Odoo’s versatility and provide users with even more opportunities to connect their systems seamlessly.

As the CEO of Gravitai, I understand the importance of building a website that stands out. Implementing Schema markup to provide rich snippets is a valuable addition that can enhance the visibility and engagement of websites on Odoo.

By incorporating Schema markup, users can optimize the structured data of their websites, enabling search engines to better understand and present relevant information. This can improve search engine visibility, attract more qualified traffic, and potentially increase click-through rates. Implementing Schema markup for rich snippets is a forward-thinking approach that can elevate the performance and effectiveness of our websites.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

Here are some best practices businesses can use to stay up-to-date with Odoo’s advancements, benefit from shared experiences, and leverage the knowledge and resources available within the Odoo community.

Regularly visit the Odoo Blog: This is an excellent source of information for the latest updates, releases, and feature enhancements. Regularly checking the blog keeps businesses informed about new functionalities, best practices, success stories, and industry insights related to Odoo.

Engage with the LinkedIn Community: The Odoo LinkedIn community provides a platform for networking with other users, developers, and experts. By actively participating in discussions, businesses and users can gain valuable insights, seek advice, and stay connected with the Odoo community.

Follow relevant LinkedIn accounts: Following relevant accounts, who share insightful content, helps businesses access valuable industry knowledge, trends, and updates. Accounts can provide useful tips, strategies, and success stories related to implementing and optimizing Odoo.

Attend the Odoo Experience: The Odoo Experience is a premier event where users, developers, and industry experts gather to share knowledge, attend informative sessions, and network. Attending this event offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest features, connect with like-minded professionals, and gain insights into how other businesses are utilizing Odoo.

Know more about William.

Expert 9: Daniel Kraft

Daniel Kraft

Why do businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

In Odoo, the primary focus is on the users and their experience. Odoo understands the importance of a fast, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing interface, which is complemented by numerous shortcuts for seamless navigation. This commitment to providing an exceptional user experience contributes to a high level of acceptance among users and businesses. When we interact with potential clients, we go beyond mere presentations and offer live Odoo demos, either through video calls or in-person sessions. This hands-on approach allows us to demonstrate the speed and ease of navigating and working with ERP data in Odoo. It has been evident that when clients experience our live demos, two out of three times they choose Odoo as their ERP solution. Of course, a strong foundation of process models, financial management, and inventory features is crucial, and rest assured, these aspects are well-integrated into recent Odoo versions.

What are some of the features you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

In the upcoming Odoo 17 upgrade, I have a few features in mind that I would be delighted to see. Firstly, I believe it would greatly benefit the software to support a broader range of industries. For example, it would be incredibly useful to have the ability to create sales orders with multi-term subscriptions, such as combining monthly and yearly recurrence in a single order to support the service industry.

Additionally, some of the older APIs, like the PayPal integration, could use some rewriting to enhance their functionality and compatibility. While the e-commerce shop in Odoo is already quite competent and has been utilized for numerous customer projects, there are still some features that it lacks in comparison to other available platforms.

Moreover, improvements in the Soft-Phone/VOIP-App and a more user-friendly UI for chats would be wonderful additions. Though we are continuously developing Odoo Apps on our own to optimize these aspects for our clients, having them integrated into the standard Odoo system in the next version would be even more advantageous.

What are the best practices for businesses to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

To maximize the benefits of the Odoo ERP system and stay up-to-date, businesses should consider the following best practices:

Regular Upgrades: It is important to upgrade to the most recent Odoo version each year. These updates are typically released in October/November. By staying current, businesses can take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

Follow Odoo’s Processes: Odoo has well-designed and efficient processes that have proven to be highly effective for various companies. By aligning their operations with Odoo’s best practices, businesses can experience significant improvements across multiple levels.

Reduce Customization: Rather than relying heavily on individual programming and customizations, businesses should aim to leverage Odoo’s built-in features and functionalities. This not only streamlines the upgrade process but also reduces costs in the long run.

Gradual Digital Transformation: Businesses can enhance their operations by gradually introducing new Odoo Apps and migrating towards a digital-oriented approach. For instance, integrating the Marketing Automation App and launching a new campaign can yield substantial benefits. By following these practices, businesses can unlock the full potential of the Odoo ERP system, streamline their processes, and stay ahead of the competition in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Know more about Daniel.

Expert 10: Hasan Chaudhary

Hasan Chaudhary

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

When it comes to company software, Odoo truly is a jack-of-all-trades. Odoo offers complete business solutions that increase operational efficiency. It may be handled through a single interface, eliminating the need for further personnel training and saving enterprises a significant amount of time and resources.

Odoo’s versatility is actually astonishing, owing largely to its open-source architecture. With over 40,000+ apps in its marketplace, which is growing by the day, it caters to a wide range of business needs. Because Odoo apps are connected, data movement between departments is highly fluid, allowing departments to optimize their procedures and increase efficiency. Odoo’s customization capabilities are simply extended, and new functionality may be smoothly incorporated to suit each individual business process’s requirements. Odoo integrates effortlessly with other software to optimize procedures and increase an organization’s overall efficiency. As a result, on a company scale, Odoo remains a solid and adaptable solution.

Odoo outperforms many other ERP packages in terms of cost-effectiveness. Its low cost and great ROI make it an excellent alternative for startups and SMEs. Odoo takes the correct decision to increase resource exertion while maintaining quality and productivity. As a result, Odoo is the ideal alternative for any organization trying to streamline its operations while being cost-effective.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

By integrating advanced AI, firms can improve operations in a variety of industries, including cybersecurity, social media, e-commerce, real estate, and news/media. AI-powered procedures enable precise trend forecasting, personalized client engagement, improved threat identification, and fast data processing. This vast range of applications supports efficiency and informed decision-making, from demand forecasting and sales prediction to content filtering.

Improved Automation: Automation can perform regular operations, saving time and decreasing human error. Businesses, for example, may automate the process of delivering invoices to clients, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Data Visualization Tools: These tools can help users understand complicated data by transforming it into charts, graphs, or other visual representations. A chart illustrating sales trends over time, for example, might assist a corporation in identifying seasonal patterns or the influence of a marketing effort.

Smooth Multi-App Navigation: A more natural, smooth approach to transition between apps without having to close the present one. A viable option would be to develop an internal multi-app switcher or a multi-window layout, which would allow users to work on many applications at the same time and transition between them more easily. This functionality can help users manage many programs at once, increasing their efficiency and productivity.

Integration of Blockchain: Blockchain can provide a secure, transparent record of transactions, which is especially valuable for financial processes. A firm, for example, may utilize blockchain to document payments received and paid, resulting in a tamper-proof audit trail.

Advanced CRM: CRM may help organizations manage their client connections more successfully by providing tools such as automatic follow-up reminders and customer segmentation. A corporation, for example, may utilize these capabilities to guarantee that possible leads are swiftly followed up on and to direct marketing efforts toward certain client categories.

Green Initiatives Tracking: With environmental effect tracking tools, organizations may monitor and report on their sustainability activities. For example, a corporation may use this function to measure its carbon footprint or the amount of garbage it generates, allowing it to find areas for improvement.

E-Commerce Enhancements: Improved e-commerce features might include SEO tools to boost a website’s search engine ranking and a more user-friendly shopping cart that allows users to purchase things more easily.

Automated Sales Funnel: Automation may assist in more successfully managing leads, moving them through the sales funnel from initial contact to sale. For example, if a lead downloads free material, the system may automatically send a follow-up email.

Enhanced Value Proposition: Including free features such as a social networking app and marketing automation in the corporate version boosts the software’s desirability and competitiveness. Furthermore, it has the potential to accelerate firms’ shift to more computerized processes.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

I start with LinkedIn, a global networking platform. Linkedin is a treasure trove of Odoo updates and has proven to be an invaluable resource. To learn about upcoming events and developments, every firm should have a strong presence on LinkedIn and other similar platforms. Participating in the Odoo Community is also beneficial for teamwork. By engaging and actively participating in these discussions, you and your company can get a distinct advantage in maximizing your Odoo utilization.

Second, keep connected to your service provider for the most recent changes. As technology partners, we at OutsetX train personnel as needed, just like growth partners. The Odoo community is a fantastic marketplace for collaboration. Every day, hundreds of people from all around the world contribute to our community, bringing a wealth of advice, support, and ideas that can help you improve your Odoo experience. Remember that keeping up with Odoo is about more than just acquiring new information;

it’s also about engaging, participating, and growing with the global community. So, join us on LinkedIn and the Odoo community today, and let’s work together to define the future of business technology. This dynamic strategy guarantees that you are always on top of the changing Odoo landscape, letting your firm develop and remain competitive.

Know more about Hasan.

Expert 11: Basil Lizon

Basil Lizon

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

The most important selling point of Odoo is the fact that it is a fully integrated suite of business apps that covers all departments. Compared to other business software in its class it is very intuitive, simple and modern looking. The integrated apps make it so that client’s don’t always need expensive developments or plug-ins in order to have a smooth working experience. The second point is that Odoo is open source/open core. Many users are using Odoo Community.

Odoo Enterprise is also fully customizable, and that is the beauty of Odoo. You’ll find that even within standard, every database will look different. Thanks to the many apps, thanks to no-code tools like Odoo Studio and the open core aspect. The last point is the price, Odoo is unbeatable in terms of price.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

I’m dreaming, but some kind of AI integrated with our apps would be amazing (it’s a hype thing, I know). Secondly seeing more and more complete localisation packages for accounting and payroll would be nice. (Please note that none of the above are in the roadmap. )

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

Some best practices are, stay in touch with us! Follow our pages, talk with your partner and Odoo account manager to stay in the loop. Visiting our annual event called Odoo Experience would also be a great way to stay on top of any new features. Lastly, don’t forget that a lot is documented online, our e-learning platform, documentation, forum, webinars and third party content are all there to smoothen the end user’s experience and unleash the full potential of their Odoo database. Try out some of the unused apps in your Odoo database, you might be amazed about what is possible with Odoo!

Know more about Basil.

Expert 12: Kuldeep Joshi

Kuldeep Joshi

Why do you believe businesses choose Odoo as their ERP solution over others?

In the current business landscape, where smooth and effective operations are crucial for growth, an ERP system becomes a vital asset. Odoo stands out as a top choice due to its modular approach, making it perfectly suited for businesses seeking gradual growth while maintaining software flexibility.

What are some of the features that you’d like to see in the Odoo 17 upgrade?

Incorporating advanced AI and automation capabilities is essential for tasks such as demand forecasting, customer support, and workflow automation. Additionally, enhancing the user interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience, complete with improved navigation and customizable dashboards, will be highly appreciated. Furthermore, a more feature-rich and responsive mobile application will empower users to manage their business seamlessly even while on the move.

What are the best practices that businesses should follow to stay updated and make the most of the Odoo ERP system?

regularly reviewing the official release notes. While Odoo offers a high level of customization, it’s advisable not to over-customize the system. Focus on essential modifications that align with your business processes while avoiding unnecessary complexities. Seeking professional support from Odoo partners or consultants for critical issues or complex customizations can be beneficial. To optimize efficiency and productivity, ensure that your employees receive proper training on how to use Odoo effectively, with a focus on modules relevant to their roles. Finally, keep a close eye on news from the official Odoo community and social media platforms to stay up-to-date on updates, features, and upcoming tasks.

Know more about Kuldeep.


That’s a wrap on what these Odoo enthusiasts think about Odoo ERP, trends, and things they wish to see in the upcoming Odoo 17. We hope you picked up some of the best practices to work with Odoo going forward.

Interested to learn more about Odoo ERP for small businesses medium-scale, and enterprises? Check out our other articles on the same. Or if curious to try out the Odoo ERP for yourself, why not connect with our Odoo experts and get insights on the same? Connect with us to get started.

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